HB Engineering, Inc.
HB Engineering is an environmental engineering firm serving municipalities and industrial clients nationwide. Our well-qualified staff members provide clients with year-round environmental compliance services.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide the technical knowledge and expertise to solve an operation deficiency, emissions or effluent problem. We look at every aspect of the problem, which may include (but is not limited to) odors or visible emissions problems, investigative sampling and testing, and equipment failure and troubleshooting.
Supporting Clients Nationwide
We support clients nationwide, as an example, the Secondary Aluminum Production facilities subject to 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart RRR (MACT). We provide technical support and troubleshooting of operations before and during testing for Dioxins and Furans (D/F) and Hydrogen Chloride, and prepare the compliance certification reports. Our clients have never failed the D/F emissions tests.
Call Us Today – 440 230-1500
To learn more about our services and solutions, we encourage you to give us a call today.